I can’t do without the Internet

The Internet helps and harms us. However, if we had to decide whether to keep the Internet despite its shortcomings because of its positive aspects or rather to abolish it, we would definitely keep it. Because the problems we endure because of the Internet are often not pleasant ones.

Because, for example, what is the Internet to me? Apart from the possibility to fulfill my duties, which would otherwise have been more complicated, the Internet gives me the opportunity to improve my personal life in many ways.

As you know, time is short. So I use the Internet to save as much time as possible.

využití internetu

When I need to check the departure time of public transportation, bus or train, I do not go to the bus stop or drag myself through the congested city to the station. I open the appropriate website and look up the data there. From the comfort of my home, immediately and without the risk of missing or misinterpreting important instructions.

Then of course there is shopping online. How much quicker and more efficient it is to be able to look up airline tickets immediately, for example, than to go to a travel agent, wait in line, explain your wishes to the staff, and consider what they can offer you. And since you can pay online and receive your airline tickets via e-mail, there is no need to carry cash with you.

internet na mobilu

And after tickets, you can easily arrange lodging on the other side of the world via the Internet. Without the Internet, many offers would be missed.

The Internet has allowed us to manage many activities much faster than without it.

And what do we do with the time saved? It\’s the flip side. The time saved is usually spent on the Internet. And I do a lot of useless and stupid things that I wouldn\’t have thought of doing without the Internet.


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