Enchanted educationTheretoday

Some changes are being made, but the public feels that they are leading to worse, not better. How to save education, the devil knows.

What has gotten worse?

The reputation of apprenticeships
Few parents want to put their child into an apprenticeship. Mainly because today the worst of the worst end up there, who are not interested in learning something and becoming an apprentice, but simply to spend the next 3 years somewhere.
Apprenticeship offer
With the bankruptcy of a large number of engineering and other companies in our country, some fields have completely disappeared from the schools\’ offer and today it is a problem to find such specialists. E.g. chimney sweeps, model makers etc.
Also modern technology, the internet and mobile phones make children more vulnerable and blackmailable. Social differences are also greater and the more affluent enjoy a certain domination over the less affluent.
Teacher Empowerment
A teacher today is more of a clerk who is constantly doing paperwork and filling out some spreadsheets and questionnaires and has little time for actual teaching. Also, compared to the past, many things are not allowed. The kind of corporal punishment that the famous Igor Hnízdo might have used would certainly help many times.
Teacher Authority
It is below freezing. Many competent teachers are not flocking to schools and are going to other industries instead. Schools are often left with individuals who are not suited to the demanding profession and have no chance of establishing authority with pupils and students.
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What has improved?

Language provision
Pupils now have a choice of at least three foreign languages, often more. English is compulsory and has replaced Russian. German, Spanish, French, French, Russian, Italian and others have been added.
Teaching aids, classroom equipment
Interactive whiteboards, computers, projectors and more make teaching easier for teachers and more fun and attractive.
School environment
Schools are neater, cleaner, more colourful.
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The range of subjects on offer at universities
Colleges Today, colleges offer a wide range of courses for everyone to choose from. The question is whether this is not a detriment, because everyone can study, and the teaching fields are becoming less attractive.
The quality of food in school canteens
Most canteens already offer quite acceptable cuisine, and going there is no longer a punishment for children.
