I\’ve lived in a house since I was a kid and I can tell you I was not happy at all. I didn\’t like the way my parents were always asking me to do things in the garden, to clean up, because the house was quite big and I found it rather annoying. As soon as I grew up, I felt that I wanted a small flat that was cosy and that I was comfortable in. It\’s not that I don\’t like to clean, no way, I like to clean very much, but I feel like I want my own peace and I don\’t like to be nagged all the time about cleaning and when I should do it. I like my peace, but everybody likes that. I\’ve also moved into my own place, which I rent, and I\’m glad I did because at least I have a roof over my head.
Suddenly the stress and hustle and bustle fell away and I felt like I finally had my freedom and I could breathe. My parents come to visit me, but now it\’s just me who decides what I can afford and what I can\’t, because even though I\’m renting it, on the other hand I\’m there as the owner because I decide who can do what. Even my parents don\’t dare to tell me that I have to do this or that, because it\’s actually my apartment in a way, even though it\’s rented. If I rent it out, I\’m the only one who gets to make decisions in that apartment. That\’s the way it is, once someone has their own house or apartment, they make decisions in it.
Sometimes it\’s so much trouble when you\’re always being told that you have to do this and that. The best thing is when you move out and suddenly you\’re living alone or even with your partner, but suddenly you know you can make decisions there. That\’s very beautiful and I think if you want to know freedom and have peace of mind, then really move anywhere you want. I dreamed of having an apartment, I didn\’t even want to hear about any house anymore, and I\’m glad I have my little apartment because I appreciate it and I\’m so glad I got to know what life is like and that it can be so much better than living under my parents\’ roof.