Cats Need Special, Quality Food

An undeniable advantage is getting a small kitten. Adult cats have a harder time adjusting to their new owners and require compromise on both sides. Keep in mind that cats are strong-willed animals and do not act like dogs, who implicitly obey their masters. However, kittens do adjust quickly to their human friends.
kotě a sedmikrásky

What should I feed my cat?

Opinions on the type of cat food are not uniform. Some prefer granulated, others canned meat. As a general rule, you can\’t go wrong with putting kibble in the cat\’s bowl and adding canned or canned food. Cats are carnivores, accustomed in nature to hunting and eating prey whose meat is still warm (body temperature 36°C). If you are feeding pouch or canned meat, the cat will be happier if you warm the portion to body temperature. For pellets, it is much easier and, of course, not warmed.
Some people feed their cats only granular food,but such animals do not waste money. Some experts recommend kibble, which is nutritionally balanced. When feeding kibble food to cats,one must remember to give the cat plenty of water. Because granulated foods are dehydrated, cats must consume more and more frequent water intake than if they are fed meat.
malá koťata

High-quality, grain-free cat kibble

Dog bowls should not be left full for long periods of time, but this is perfectly acceptable for cats. This is because cats in nature often hunt at night and take food when they feel like it. Ideally, cats should be fed several times a day, in small amounts, perhaps three or four times. However, those who keep their cats only in their apartments and go to work in the morning can easily “feed themselves” by simply putting a day\’s worth of kibble in a bowl.
Unlike dogs, who do not mind a certain percentage of grains in their food, cats have difficulty digesting grains, and some are even undigestible. Choose kibble food that is grain-free or has only a little added rice or corn. As a rule, the cheapest “supermarket” granules are totally unsuitable for cats. This is precisely because they contain a lot of indigestible grains (and are therefore suspiciously cheap).
šedé kotě

Cats cannot help drinking water, but they are not given soda or mineral water

It is important that the cat always have plenty of clean water in its bowl. Good tip: Cats can use plain tap water, but it is best to fill a plastic bottle with water to remove chlorine and refill the bowl with the water that has accumulated in it, just as you would water flowers. Water bowls should be washed at least once a day in the kitchen sink with common dishwashing detergent. Failure to do so will allow bacteria and dirt to grow in the bowl and contaminate the water. Milk is not necessary for cats. Some cats like milk and white yogurt. Occasional dairy products may be given (except moldy cheese) if there are no problems digesting lactose.
